
Pullups in Depth
3 years ago.
11 / 38

How to Pullup #11 – Intermediate 3

This is very similar to the previous episode but instead of going slow, we will add in some isometric pauses into the pull-up.

A great way to focus on the weaker parts of your pull-up and also a way of introducing muscular endurance into the training.


We covered isometrics in beginner option 5. Here we are adding isometric pauses into the pull-up path.

This will lead to the same effects as the slow pull-up but will have the added benefit of getting those 'stabiliser' muscle groups working too.

You'll find that the pectoral muscles and short-head of the bicep (inner bicep that connects to your chest).

All the Variables

Without adding equipment or changing the technique of the pull-up, we actually have four different things we can change to make it easier or harder.

  • Number of Repetitions. How many pull-ups are we going to do in one go?
  • Number of Sets. How many times are we going to do that number of pull-ups?
  • Speed. How fast or slow are we going to go?
  • Time. How many pauses and length of time are we going to take on each repetition?

As you can see, using these four things, we can make a training session very easy or very, very hard.

Endurance over Strength

By adding in pauses and increasing time with are moving more in the way of muscular endurance training.

How long can your muscles endure? This is NOT the same as endurance which is how long can you endure overall, not necessarily just your muscles... More frequently this is a cardio and stamina type of endurance.

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