
Pullups in Depth
3 years ago.
22 / 38

How to Pullup #22 – Example 3

Here's an example of the upper-end of the scale. You should be very competent at the pull-up by now and have very, very good quality of technique.

Make sure that your progression is in small increments. This will lead to a very long, injury-free training career.

Joint Mobility and Warmup

Again, let's repeat the beginner and intermediate joint mobility and warm-ups using Quadrupedal movement. Head over to those episodes for more details.

Specific Warmup

The pulling-action warmup will be a little longer this time to ensure that we're really prepared for heavy reps.

Start with 2 sets of 2 reps on the red band, using perfect technique.

Secondly, another 2 sets of 2 reps using only bodyweight, again using perfect technique and full-range-of-motion.

Work Sets

Increments of weight will be smaller. You can use 5kg to 10kg of extra weight using the weight-belt.

3 sets of 5 reps with an extra 5-10kg of weight will be the main part of the program.

Work Sets alternative

Increments of weight will be smaller. You can use 10kg to 15kg of extra weight using the weight-belt.

3 sets of 3 reps with an extra 10 to 15kg of weight will be the main part of the program.

Using the same amount of volume as the 3x5, the 3x8 will be heavier weights, lower reps.


Same again as the beginner and intermediate cooldown. However, spend MORE time with the myofascial release and stretching if possible.

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